
December 13, 2024

Kindergarten List

1st and 2nd Grade List

3rd and 4th Grade List

5th and 6th Grade List

Enders-Salk is excited to inform you that each student will be participating in Battle of the Books this year. Please refer to the frequently asked question below to fill you in on the details. If you still have any questions, feel free to contact Katie Montalbano at

What Is “Battle of the Books?”
Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for students. The purpose is simply to encourage students to read great books and have fun while competing with peers.

How Does A Student Participate?
Each student is placed on a team in their classroom. The team then divides up the books on their list and each student is responsible for reading that book, and sharing their findings with the other team members. Students may count “books” they have read before. They should keep a summary so they can review this information before their “Battle.” Feel free to read as many books as you would like with your child, but each participant is only responsible for reading the books the team decides. Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade teachers read the books aloud to the students. 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th are expected to read them independently or with an adult.

Where Do The Students Get The Books?
The Enders-Salk PTA graciously has purchased a set of each battle book for each classroom. Students can check them out through their teachers. You can also check them out at the Schaumburg Library!
When Do The Students Read The Books?
START NOW! The school battles will not be held until May. Therefore, students will have plenty of time to read the books during the school year.

What Is The “Battle?”
The students have the opportunity to be involved in 3 battles. During each battle, the student will be with their assigned team and answering questions together as a team using a game show device called Kahoot, which is internet based. The answers are always the title of the book, and extra points are earned for knowing the author. The winners of each battle will advance to the next battle.

When Are The Battles?
A schedule will go home in April with the exact dates of the battles. The battles will be in May.
Thank you,
Mrs. Montalbano
Mrs. Vassilos