District 54 Dual Language and Immersion Program Goals are as follows:
The Dual Language and Immersion program goals are for students to:
Programs of Choice
Dual Language and Immersion are programs of choice options that are available for all students in District 54. Dual Language classes at the elementary level are composed of approximately 50% English or other language proficient students and 50% Spanish or Japanese-proficient students. Chinese Immersion is a one-way immersion experience where the vast majority of students have no prior experience or proficiency in the Chinese language. Dual Language and Chinese Immersion teachers and the English partner teachers foster high academic achievement by teaching the two target languages through content. These programs seek to develop academic and cultural competence and bilingualism for students from kindergarten through 8th grade.
District 54 has an English-Spanish Dual Language program at MacArthur, Enders-Salk, Hanover Highlands, Link, Eisenhower, Frost and Keller schools. District 54 also has an English-Japanese Dual Language program at Dooley and Addams schools.
District 54’s Mandarin Chinese immersion program began in August 2011 at Campanelli School in Schaumburg. Students in kindergarten through fourth grade have the option of learning in Chinese and English through this immersion setting during the 2015-2016 school year. One grade level will be added each school year through grade 8.
Dual Language/Immersion Instructional Model
Daily Instructional Minute Allocations
Grades K-6
English Literacy – 60 minutes
Target Language Literacy – 60 minutes
Math – English – 60 minutes
Science – English – 30 minutes
Social Studies – Target Language – 30 minutes
Literacy and Math Acceleration
Target Language Literacy Acceleration – 30 minutes for students meeting grade-level standards
English Literacy Acceleration – 30 minutes for students approaching or below grade-level standards
Target Language Math Acceleration – 30 minutes for students meeting grade-level standards
English Math Acceleration – 30 minutes for students approaching or below grade-level standards