Arrival Procedures:
- 8:20 AM- our doors open to students and staff is available for supervision. Please note that there will be no student supervision prior to 8:20, so please plan to arrive accordingly.
- 8:35 AM first morning bell.
- 8:40 AM second bell- instructional day begins.
- Students arriving after 8:40 AM must report to the office with an adult to be signed in for the day.
- In the morning, all students will enter through the main door (door 1) and report directly to the hallway outside of their classroom.
- Staff is available to assist students in their classrooms. For safety reasons, only staff and students may enter the building.
- If you are driving your child to school, please follow these “drop and go” procedures:
- Drive up as far as you can along the sidewalk of the main entrance.
- Drop off your child on the curb side–please remain in your car and do not exit your vehicle.
- In order to get cars moving safely and efficiently, please utilize the entire length of the sidewalk/grass to drop off your child. You do not need to wait until your car is pulled up by the front door.
- If your child needs help getting out of the car, park in a legal parking spot and walk your child to the main door.
- Students taking a bus to school will be dropped off along the sidewalk closest to the gym doors and will walk to the front entrance. A staff member will be there to assist students.
Dismissal Procedures:
- Our students will be dismissed at 3:00 PM , except for Wednesdays when they will be dismissed at 2:30 PM to allow our staff to take part in Professional Development.
- Students being picked up or walking home will exit the building from an assigned door:
- Kindergarten
- Gomez-Door 4
- Ernsting-Door 4
- Brown-Door 5
- First Grade – Door 3
- Second Grade – Door 3
- Third Grade
- Orr-Door 2
- Donelan-Door 2
- Pizzo-Door 2
- Fourth Grade–Door 6
- Fifth Grade – Door 6
- Sixth Grade – Door 2
- Students riding a bus home will exit through door 1 (main entrance).
- Students attending KASPER after school will report to the gym.
- If you are picking up your child with a car, come to our parking lot, find a legal parking spot, and meet your child at their dismissal door.
- Our parking lot will be closed from 2:50-3:10 PM (Wednesdays 2:20-2:40 PM).
- Once our buses are dismissed, the lot will open for cars to exit .
- If you are in a hurry at the end of the day, we encourage you to find a legal parking spot on the street and walk to the building to pick up your child.
- If your child has permission from you to play at the playground after school and you are not present, we ask that they go home first to check-in. This allows our staff to see that all students have been safely dismissed from school.
Friendly Reminders:
In order to ensure the safety of our students, please help us implement these following guidelines:
- Regular attendance in school is a factor to your child’s success. Please be sure your child is at school on time. Students arriving after 8:40 AM must report to the office with an adult to be signed in for the day.
- We ask that you are at school and ready to pick your child up by 3:00 PM as staff is only available to supervise after the last bus departs (generally 5 minutes after dismissal). If you are late picking up your child, we will ask that you come into the office to sign your child out for the day.
- For safety purposes, we encourage you to maintain a consistent way for your child to get home.
- We understand that unforeseen circumstances occur, but we ask that you contact the office no later than 1:30 PM if there is a change in the usual way that your child will be getting home.
- It is good practice to let your child’s teacher know of a change in transportation, but please be sure to let the office know since teachers may not have time to check their email or return phone calls during the school day. Students will go home their scheduled way if the front office has not been notified.
- Dogs, of any size, are not allowed on school property during arrival, dismissal, when school is in session or during school functions for the safety of our students and staff. Service animals are always welcome with proper documentation. District policy.
- Visitors must report to the office and sign-in.

There are green arrows showing that you can drop off your child in front of the school and red x’s showing that no cars allowed since buses are dropping students off.